Have you taken a mite count lately? Check out the Honey Bee Health Coalition’s Varroa management guides and tools. They include: …and much more. The HBHC’s website is an invaluable resource! Additionally, everyone should watch (and rewatch) Oxalic Acid Application for Varroa Control: What really works, what doesn’t by Jennifer Berry from our May 2021 meeting.
Membership Renewal Don’t forget to pay your annual dues! Membership expires on December 31st, regardless of when it was paid. (This also applies to NCSBA membership.) You can pay online or mail in a check along with the ACB and/or NCSBA membership form(s) to: Alamance County Beekeepers PO Box 512 Snow Camp, NC 27349 Honey Extractor & OA Vaporizer The …
Dr. Mark Anthony Powers, Associate Professor Emeritus of Medicine and NC Journeyman Beekeeper, discusses both how to evaluate the seriousness of a bee sting and how to ascertain the most suitable treatment. This presentation is based on his December 2018 American Bee Journal article (Vol. 158, No.12 pp. 1327-1331). Bee Sting Allergy: What You Need to Know
Dr. David Tarpy, NCSU Professor and Extension Specialist, has provided this article Protective Measures of Beehives During Hurricanes and makes the following recommendations: Strap down lid and hive components if they’re not propolized. Reduce hive wind profile by removing unnecessary boxes (feeders, for example). Hives should be at ground level or on sturdy stands. Be sure solid bottom boards are …
The Bayer Bee Care Healthy Colony Checklist suggests the following approach during your inspection: Use a buddy system. Know how to assess the six conditions of colony health. Take concise notes. Record any general notes and observations of each hive. Visit the Healthy Colony Checklist webpage for more in-depth information, including images, video, and a downloadable inspection checklist.
The Honey Bee Research Center at The University of Guelph located in Ontario, Canada produced 32 How-To Videos during 2016. They are excellent. ENJOY! The Honey Bee Research Center maintains populations of a hybrid strain of honey bees known as Buckfast bees. This is a man-made bee race and is a cross of many strains of bees, developed by Karl Kehrle, …