Swarm and Bee Removal

If you’ve discovered a swarm of honey bees or an established honey bee colony on your property in Alamance County or surrounding areas, we may be able to help!

Swarm Removal

To request that a honey bee swarm be removed, please contact Jeff Telander, 919-618-8094. He will contact the nearest available beekeeper. There is usually no charge for this service.

Honey Bees in Structures

If honey bees are seen coming and going from your home, a tree, or an outbuilding this requires more technical removal options called “trap outs” or “cut outs.” Please contact Jeff Telander, 919-618-8094, to discuss possible removals. Most beekeepers charge for this service.

The Forsyth County Beekeepers Association has a clear and informative Bee Removal FAQ that you may wish to review.

Please note: we only remove honey bees and NOT carpenter bees, yellow jackets, wasps, hornets, or bumblebees (see below image). Also, please see this useful Bee Identification Guide.


Questions that you may be asked:

  1. Are they honey bees?
  2. Are bees entering a structure or in a mass outside?
  3. When were they noticed?
  4. What has been done?
  5. Has any pesticide been used?
  6. Has anyone been stung? Might indicate an aggressive (dry) swarm.
  7. How large is the cluster/swarm? (e.g., basketball or softball size?)
  8. Where is it, specifically?
  9. How high up is it?
  10. Do you plan to call someone else?
  11. Do we have permission to collect the bees?
  12. Is this your property? Give me specific directions to get to the swarm site.