Late Winter & Early Spring Management

Alamance County Center 209-C, N Graham Hopedale Rd, Burlington, United States

Join us for a presentation on late winter management from Jennifer Keller, Outreach & Extension Coordinator for the NCSU Apiculture Program. Potluck: 6:00pm; Presentation: 7:00pm

Nectar Sources of NC

Alamance County Center 209-C, N Graham Hopedale Rd, Burlington, United States

Join us as we combine our monthly meeting with our Beginning Beekeeper course for a topic relevant to new and veteran beekeepers: nectar sources! Presented by member Paul Hart, Natural Resources Manager for Harnett County Parks and Recreation.

Primary Management Phases

Alamance County Center 209-C, N Graham Hopedale Rd, Burlington, United States

Join us as we once again combine our monthly meeting with our Beginning Beekeeper course for a discussion on primary management phases. Presented by members Ira Poston and Mike Ross.

Increasing Your Apiary Size

Alamance County Center 209-C, N Graham Hopedale Rd, Burlington, United States

Join us for a discussion on ways to increase the number of colonies in your apiary. Potluck: 6:00pm; Presentation: 7:00pm

Saturday Field Day

Ira's Apiary

Join us at Ira's apiary (location will be sent out to members) for our annual in-person field day.

Ice Cream Social

t/b/d , United States

Join us for our annual pot luck and ice cream social.