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Category: Programs
Bee Sting Allergy: What You Need to Know
Dr. Mark Anthony Powers, Associate Professor Emeritus of Medicine and NC Journeyman Beekeeper, discusses both how to evaluate the seriousness of a bee sting and how to ascertain the most suitable treatment. This presentation is based on his December 2018 American Bee Journal article (Vol. 158, No.12 pp. 1327-1331). Bee Sting Allergy: What You Need to Know
Recent November Happenings
If you attended our last meeting, we were treated to four different presentations. Our President, Ira Poston, initially introduced Mr. Richard French, the coach for FIRST LEGO League team of four kids from Alamance County. The next three presentations, by 1st-year beekeepers Sally Bryan and Darrell Holt and 2nd-year beekeeper Zivon Price, were both informative and entertaining. During the Burlington …
Annual Ice Cream Social
It was a perfect day for our annual Ice Cream Social hosted by Don & Shirley Moore at Breezy Acres Apiary under the shade of several large pecan trees. Don welcomed and introduced special guests Jerry & Betty Isley from Randolph County; Nancy Rupert, Bee Inspector, South Central region; Janno Lewis from Montgomery County; Don Hopkins, Bee Inspector, North Central …